March 15th - Sermon Notes

Sermon Series: A Church in Motion Sermon Six: Walls Come Down 

Main Passage: Acts 10 

I. Spend ___________________ in God’s Presence! vvs. 1-3, 9 

A. ___________________________ Pray time

1. Create a prayer routine
2. Create a prayer _______________________ 

3. Create a prayer practice 

B. Revelation comes through Prayer 

II. Be ______________________ to what God is doing! vvs. 19-24 

A. ____________ ____________
1. A New thing

2. New ________________

3. New approaches 

B. _______________________

C. _______________________

1. Expand our experiences

2. Expand our ______________________ 

3. Expand our ______________________ 

III. May the ____________________ of God Fall! vvs. 34-38, 44-46 

  1. ____________________________ Jesus 

1. Speak His name
2. Point others to ‘the name’
3. Lead by example 

B. ____________________________ Jesus 

1. There was an anointing to minister
2. He went about doing good
3. He healed all who were oppressed 

C. ____________________________ God to show up 



Growth Track 101

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Growth Track 101

Track 101 is the introduction to life at GT. This one week course will give you in depth knowledge about the history, beliefs and vision of Glad Tidings. If you are new to the church, or are in the process of connecting more in depth, this is a great class to start in! Sign up for your Track 101 class at the Next Steps Table in the lobby of one of our campuses.

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Growth Track 201


Growth Track 201

You have a unique gift that is specific to your life as a Christ follower. This course will take you through a class to discovery the gifts inside your life and how they apply to the local Church. Track 201 is a great way to explore the different ministries you would effectively serve in the church. There is opportunity for you to sign up to start Track 201 at the end of your Track 101 class. For more information please see the Next Steps Table in the Foyer on Sunday.


Growth Track 301


Growth Track 301

Track 301 is a course with in depth servant leadership training and assimilation into the life of GT. Each person is connected to a ministry that best suites their gifting and heart. We believe there is one type of leadership: Servant Leadership. You will go through teachings by our Pastoral Staff that will challenge, train & equip you for ministry & life.
