Want to help?

If you are interested in joining us in providing relief to those affected by COVID-19 you can do so by:

  1. Giving to our Covid-19 Relief Fund.

  2. Donating items on the list below by dropping them off at our Central Campus.

Affected by Covid-19 & need help?

At any point in the next few weeks you are in need of assistance pertaining to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), GT is here to help! Whether it is going to the store on your behalf, picking up a prescription, or connecting in prayer, we’d like to know. Fill out the “contact” form below & one of our Pastoral Staff will be in contact with you shortly.

COVID-19 RELIEF supply list

Cleaning Supplies:

Wet Wipes, Bleach, Lysol, Disinfectant, Paper Towels


Water & Water Containers, Canned Goods, Meals Ready To Eat (MRE), Non-Perishable Dry Goods, Baby Juice, Baby Food, Baby Formula

Safety & Hygiene:

Diapers, Baby Wipes, Toilet Paper

Due to STORAGE restraints please only include donated items that are listed above. Thank you.

For more information please contact our Connections & Outreach Pastor, Judah Howell at: (407) 455-0308.