Join us as we worship the Lord and grow together through His Word.
Join us as we worship the Lord and grow together through His Word.
We strive to connect people to God, to one another, to the marketplace and to the world...
We strive to connect people to God, to one another, to the marketplace and to the world...
Our desire is to cultivate an engaging worship culture. The Presence of God is the distinguishing mark of His people (Exodus 33:16) and our longing is to be marked by His presence. Services include times of quietly waiting on the Lord - spiritually savoring the sacred atmosphere. Other times may be vocal with collective praise as worshippers are invited to spontaneously worship the Father from their heart. Some shout with joy, some are quiet and reserved. Others are openly emotional during times of prayer and worship. No sincere worshipper should feel out of place at GT. We encourage you to pursue God with your whole heart.
The Word of God is what changes our lives and convicts our heart. At GT you will be challenged through a relevant message that is prophetically timed for what God is doing in our midst. We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God and has answers to every situation we face in life. We believe the Bible is without error. We believe there is only One True God–revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity). We have four core beliefs: Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing and the Second Coming of Christ.
At GT we believe we are called not to simply come to church to engage in worship and the word - but we are compelled to go to the world. Jesus said, "Go into all the world and make disciples." James 1:27 also says, "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress." We are commissioned to carry the Kingdom of God wherever we go. A major part of missions at GT is the City of Refuge in Jamaica. The City of Refuge is our children's home in Kingston, Jamaica that houses 50+ children and provides food, education, clothing and a place to call home.
Pastor Gary & Christy Howell
Pastor Gary & Christy Howell
The extended hands & feet of Christ
The extended hands & feet of Christ
All of our services include a special, age-specific service for the kids of GT. There is nursery available for ages 0-3 & Kid's Church for ages 4-11. Kid's Church includes dynamic worship, creative biblical teaching and will challenge your children to grow in Christ while in a safe, caring environment. You can "check-in" your children before service by following the GT Kid's signs upon entering church.
GT Youth is the youth ministry of Glad Tidings Church. Meeting every Wednesday night at 7pm, GT Youth pursues the Lord through worship and a powerful word. GTY is for teenagers from the ages of 12-18.
GT Worship is the worship ministry of Glad Tidings Church. With the desire to cultivate an engaging worship culture, GT Worship leads us into worship in our services. GT Worship is a collective of worship leaders, songwriters & creatives that inspire our atmosphere of worship.
"To provide Christian education
from the cradle to college..."
"To provide Christian education
from the cradle to college..."
Located at our Main Campus, GT provides childcare & schooling from infancy to 2nd grade. Every classroom is equipped with licensed teachers who create an atmosphere that is fun, professional & focus on learning for every child. Education at Glad Tidings is Christ-centered.
Located at our East Campus, GT provides childcare & schooling from 2 year old to 8th grade. Every classroom is equipped with licensed teachers who create an atmosphere that is fun, professional & focus on learning for every child. Education at Glad Tidings is Christ-centered.
Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida partners with Glad Tidings Church to host an instructional site on the church campus. Southeastern University offers excellent college education for an affordable price. With regional accreditation,* Southeastern University is well established and proud to offer students opportunities to discover their divine design.