"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me." -Proverbs 8:17 (KJV)

He shall be found by those who seek Him. The Father can be found because He desires to be found. He wants us to know Him. He desires for us to discover Him for who He is. This seeking after and finding Him is not something you do once and then you find or discover all there is. No, He is “new every morning.” It is like a great adventure, you find new treasure every day!

“Those that seek me early….” There is something about the early morning hours! Maybe it is the quietness of the night or the stillness of all the hustle and bustle of life. Maybe it is simply the seeker sacrificing something precious, sleep, to be with Him. God is found in a special way in those early morning hours.

However, we also understand it is more about the pursuit then it is the time of day. Pursue God and you will find Him. Pursue His presence and you will discover His newness everyday. You can never exhaust His beauty. You can never run to the end of His greatness. The more you pursue the more you discover.

He said, “Those that seek me….shall find me.”

-Pastor Gary

Today, make time to pursue the Presence of God.